We don't do DIY fails
You call them attempts; we call them DIY Fails
Do It Yourself (D.I.Y.)
One day, when our old bones are ready for the bin, we will probably offer an online DIY advice service. But until then; DIY is the scourge of all self-respecting service technicians/companies.
"God helps those who help themselves" - but we don't!
So for any who are pondering the do it yourself option; please don't call us when it goes belly up! Customers oddly enough get offended when we tell them that we won't do their "DIY flop". We've created this page so we don't have to spend so long on the phone justifying our position on DIY. Here's a list of just some of the reasons we don't do DIY flops:
- A good deal of the profit is in the parts! When you go to the spare parts place and purchase the part they are collecting our share of the part profit.
- Safety, many DIY efforts end in tears, mostly due to lost money from fitting wrong parts. But it has happened that people have been electrocuted as a consequence!
- Coffee Machines can't alter their own wiring!
- Coffee Machines can't cross their own threads!
- Coffee Machines don't disconnect themselves or take off unnecessary panels/parts.
- Electronic parts can be sensitive! We often hear the old "it was working fine before you touched it"
- Insurance companies reject claims caused by untrained and unqualified people.
Remember, people have died trying to repair their own machines.
But mainly the industry can't afford to compete with DIY and new cheap coffee machines. Well trained technicians are becoming harder to find, and as the whitegoods industry continues to build ever cheaper throw away machines and the online part sellers flood the market with DIY info; we the humble service technician are on the road to extinction. We have tried to combat these competitive influences by offering fixed price repairs for the common part failures. This has helped many customers realise it is still cost effective to have a technician carry out their repair.
By not servicing DIY flops we hope we are sending a clear signal to our potential customer that if you do try DIY and can't fix the problem, then you might well start looking for a new coffee machine. However this will only happen when enough technicians in our industry take the same stand.
A real Adelaidian; Living and Working in Adelaide
Office in Clarence Gardens | Workshop in Panorama | Local Metropolitan Service Area
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