We specialise in traditional home coffee machine repairs!
Semi automatic coffee machines are usually more robust than automatic coffee machines because they have less parts and less sophisticated technology running the moving parts. The usual problems with semi automatic machines are wear and tear to seals, gaskets, o-rings and the like. Symptoms can be leaks, indicating it's time for a service. Some where in the middle are problems like blockages. Less common are boiler elements, solenoids and pumps failure. To ensure your coffee machine is repaired properly, make sure you use a professional coffee machine repairer. We are local to Adelaide with a drop off point at Panorama and service most of the semi automatic brands of coffee machines.
Sending your coffee machine can feel a little like Russian Roulette - not knowing when you might get it back or how much it might cost? We can't hold out to be the cure all for that feeling, but we can tell you that your machine is in good hands;
- 10 years fixing coffee machines
- A licensed electrician
- Locally owned and operated business
e61 Group Head
Nothing beats the traditional tried and true!
Drop off or Pick up
Our valet service or happy to do the drop off yourself.
Fixed Prices
We provide a range of fixed prices for standard repairs/service